
Anne Voller Headshot

Anne is a successful, experienced Talent Acquisition (TA) executive with a proven track record of creating and implementing TA strategies focused on recruitment of high potential talent that is aligned to drive overall business goals. She is known for her ability to establish methodologies that attract diverse populations ranging from military veterans to college interns as well as entry-level workers across stores, warehouses, call centers and executive development programs.  

Anne leveraged more than 25 successful years in retailing at Macy’s by launching a consulting firm focused on her passion of developing TA strategies.  Among her consulting projects, she has consulted with the National Retail Federation Foundation Talent Acquisition Advisory Council and TA leaders from 40+ diverse retailers bringing them together annually to promote careers in the retail industry. She also works with small to mid-sized organizations to increase their brand presence and improve the candidate experience while achieving hiring and retention success. 

Anne resides in Cincinnati, Ohio and is actively involved in the community serving as Vice President, Board Member for the Cincinnati Center for Autism. 


How you recruit today follows you and your business results for years to come.  When you treat candidates with respect, they will support your brand.  How do you gain that respect while operating with the speed necessary to fill your hire plans and often doing so, especially today, from a virtual platform?  

Our customized model will impact your company’s future business in a positive way by getting to the root cause of your hiring challenges and creating a strategy that wins for you and your business!  As we take you through a comprehensive candidate journey review, we will empower you to recognize the possibilities within your specific industry to attract the best talent. 

Whether virtually or in person, gaining trust from your potential new hires is an asset to worker retention and to long-term business success.